
Links and inspiration

Recently I’ve come across a few links I wanted to share.

Ann Voskamp tells the story of Maximilian Kolbe as part of her speech. Kolbe was a Jewish man who had converted to Christianity; he offered to die in place of another prisoner at Auschwitz. I had recently heard Nicky Gumbel tell the same story as part of our church’s running of the Alpha program, but I picked up a few new details from Ann’s telling.  One of the most moving details was that a month before his death, Kolbe had written to his mother that he was at Auschwitz, saying, “Everything is well in my regard. Be tranquil about my health; the good God is everywhere, providing for everything with love.”

Imagine writing that upon arrival at Auschwitz.

Kolbe was clearly someone who understood that the blessing of God was not just for the hereafter, but for the here and now. He understood who he was in Christ — blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, equipped with everything he needed for life and godliness, safe in the arms of a loving God. Whatever might happen in his bodily life, he lived out of the resources of that eternal kingdom.

“Be tranquil… The good God is everywhere, providing for everything with love.” Good words for this week.