• person reaching out to a robot
    Current Events

    ChatGPT: Friend or Foe?

    ChatGPT has made waves over the last few weeks because it’s the most high-performing AI-powered chatbot yet created. Able to produce natural, human-sounding prose, it’s raised alarms in the academic world because students…

  • Current Events


    As regards the powers manifested in the aeroplane or the wireless, Man is as much the patient or subject as the possessor, since he is the target both for bombs and propoganda… What…

  • Current Events,  Nonfiction

    The Collective

    It is not a question of causing the human being to disappear, but of making him capitulate, of inducing him to accommodate himself to techniques and not to experience personal feelings and reactions.…

  • Novels

    Klara and the Sun

    Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel probing our ambivalent relationship with artificial intelligence reminded me of something a favorite college professor once said about Emily Dickinson’s poems: she places her subjects under a microscope and examines…

  • Nonfiction

    Being Harmonized

    A recent read I’ve neglected to review is this book about China’s surveillance system and its advancement of the totalitarian regime. The book details how the surveillance state has developed in China, how…

  • Current Events

    Good or bad? Time will tell.

    This week, my daughter asked, “What would we have done during the shutdowns without technology? How would you still teach college? How would people work remotely? How would kids do school? How would…