Nature Study

Rail Trail Sights

I’ve been going down to a local railroad-bed-turned-walking trail and jogging this spring. Sometimes the whole family goes, my husband running a little farther and faster, the girls on bikes. Sometimes I go early in the morning with just the dog. And sometimes it’s just me, the dog and the girls.

I run 3.1 miles in about 32 minutes on average, so I’m not setting any records for speed. Lately it’s been even slower because I keep stopping to take pictures of birds. Here are a few of them:

Gray Catbird

These birds line the trail with their mockingbird-like chatter. This one posed for me quite nicely.

There is at least one pair of Baltimore orioles — so beautiful and bright, with a gorgeous song, yet so elusive to capture in a picture.

This morning I saw a robin bringing either a worm or nesting material to her nest, then she and I had a staring contest.

I also see yellow warblers there.

A yellow warbler from this morning
A yellow warbler from a few weeks ago

This little bird is from a few weeks back too. It’s some kind of sparrow, I think — a pretty little thing.

And here’s a goldfinch. No black cap, so it must be a female.

It’s interesting how people stop and ask what I’m seeing when they come upon me with camera aimed. Then they walk on, looking at the treetops instead of straight ahead. It makes me wonder how many things we miss because we’re not looking.


  • Amy @ Hope Is the Word

    Oh, I want to be a runner (jogger?), and I always think I’ll do it. . . but I never do. I don’t even walk consistently these days. Sigh. I am becoming more of a birdwatcher, though. Your photos are gorgeous! Tell me again what kind of camera and lens you use.

  • Janet

    It’s a Canon SX130 IS. But I like it — I haven’t really explored all the settings yet.

    I know what you mean about consistency. I’ve been thankful for better weather that lets me get outside — it’s so much easier than being confined to the treadmill.