Nature Study

Friday Fave 5

The Friday Fave 5 meme at Living to Tell the Story invites us to reflect on some of the things we’re most grateful for over the last week. I enjoy participating, though it’s been quite awhile since I’ve had my act together enough to do it; I find that thinking of five things just primes the pump, and after that the list keeps on flowing as the day goes on. It takes 17 repetitions to form a habit, they say, but even five repetitions is enough to get things going.

So I’ve been reflecting.

Here are my five:

1. Celebrating 13 years of marriage.

2. Garden bounty.

3. Fall approaching — always bittersweet to think of winter close behind, but I do always feel ready for the transition to autumn.

4. After a rather miserable nature walk on Wednesday, Thursday brought smooth sailing all day long — complete with an unexpectedly thrilling sight in the park as we walked the dog:

As we gaped happily, this Baltimore oriole one-upped our pleasure in his dazzling colors and song by hospitably showing us his nest:

Such a marvel of craftsmanship, so precariously poised:

5. Weight loss. Just in time for my birthday this weekend, I’ve lost the 15 pounds that have crept on over the last five years. I’ve worked at it this summer, cutting back on food and stepping up on the exercise. Honestly, it doesn’t make a very noticeable difference in my appearance, but it does make me feel free of the monkey on my back saying, “Just do it.” And it does allow me to pull out some clothes I haven’t been able to wear in a few years.

There are five. More are flowing now. So I’ll keep reflecting…

…and stay on the lookout for more.


  • Lisa notes...

    Happy Anniversary! Your bounty looks so colorful and delicious. I love summer, but I am ready for the fall to arrive too. Especially the cooler temps. I just wish we could stop there and not have to move into winter. Ha.

    Congratulations on losing 15 pounds! Wow. Fantastic. I can’t even lose five.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  • Sombra Wilson

    We have Baltimore Oriels here, but they’re not that colour, more of a sunshine orange colour. And they’re very shy, so it’s so neat that you actually captured one in the nest!

  • Barbara H.

    I’m so glad you joined in FFF! And what a reflective post.

    I feel the same way about fall — ready for its changes but wishing it could stay longer and winter could hold off.

    How neat to see and hear the oriole and see its nest as well!

    Congrats on the weight loss! And the anniversary, of course. :-)

  • Laura

    Lovely pictures, lovely thoughts. Great to have you onboard at FFF! I saw your Wendell Berry tag and followed it. I just recently checked out Jayber Crow. Excited to read it!

  • Jientje

    Happy Anniversary and congratulations on the weight loss! I’m trying to loose weight myself, so I know how hard it is. Have a great weekend!