
  • Poetry

    Lovely, dark and deep

    Actually, the woods my daughters and I walked through yesterday were anything but dark. The sun was so bright I could hardly even see this robin in the trees above, much less determine…

  • Poetry

    Poetry Friday: Finishing Well

    One never knows, but I’ve been thinking lately that I’m probably about halfway through my life. Maybe a little over. What do I have to show for it? I look back over my…

  • Bible,  Poetry

    Healing and Hiding

    This morning, I read a story that’s always intrigued me: the woman with the hemorrhage who came through the pressing crowds and touched Jesus’ robes. I’m using a harmony of the gospels these…

  • Children's Books,  Poetry

    The Mouse of Amherst

    Some time ago, another blogger mentioned The Mouse of Amherst in a Poetry Friday post. I ordered it immediately, but not until yesterday did the right time come for Elizabeth Spires’ 61-page imaginative…

  • Christianity,  Poetry

    Diary of an Old Soul

    I’ve been revisiting George MacDonald lately. I knew him first as the one whose Phantastes C.S. Lewis credited with “baptizing his imagination.” Then I explored some of his children’s books, and more recently…

  • Bible,  Poetry

    About Ezekiel

    I’ve progressed into Ezekiel in my Bible-reading. These prophetic books frustrate any attempt by my analytical or “literary” mind to file them neatly away, but there are passages of great beauty and power.…

  • Poetry

    Poetry potpourri

    Anyone else hear this story on NPR this morning? It discusses the state of poets and poetry in a suffering economy, and includes a link to its Planet Money blog, where readers have…

  • Poetry

    In praise of border collies

    I’ve grown up with border collies. We’ve owned a total of 5 of them over the years since I was a very young child. My children have caught my enthusiasm, and along with…