
  • Bible,  Christianity

    A larger and truer confession

    Someone forwarded Ben Stein’s CBS Sunday Morning “Confession” to me by email. Mr. Stein uses the following exchange as a springboard for discussing God’s alleged departure from America: Billy Graham’s daughter was interviewed…

  • Nonfiction

    Reading the OED

    There’s a word for me: Anonymuncule (n.) An anonymous, small-time writer. Turns out there are words for all kinds of things, more words than any of us knew about. Ammon Shea discovered this…

  • Biography

    84, Charing Cross Road

    I read 84, Charing Cross Road in one evening. And though its call number makes it plain that it’s a nonfictional work, somehow I forgot this as I was reading. An epistolary novel…

  • Bible,  Nonfiction

    Bible 101

    I’m taking a break from From God To Us. It’s full of knowledge I want, but it’s a little dry. I’m about halfway through it, and I’m going to set it aside for…

  • Bible,  Essays

    Reflections on the Psalms

    I have to be honest: the book of Psalms has never been a favorite of mine. It’s been praised so often by others that I’m quite willing to accept that the fault is…

  • Nonfiction

    A story of courage

    What would you do if your toddler stopped talking expressively, and began echoing your words? Or if he spent hours arranging his toys into intricate patterns only to stare at them? Or if…