
  • Bible

    Re-post 2: Thoughts on Judges

    This post was originally published January 9, 2008. It’s one of the posts that were lost in the transition between domain names and blog hosts, but are backed up in a Word file…

  • Bible

    Re-post 1: Rereading Samson

    During Advent, I’m going to be writing fewer new posts and re-posting some old ones from my earliest days as a blogger. There were many posts that didn’t make it into this blog…

  • Bible,  Christianity,  Nonfiction

    Two views

    From A Year of Biblical Womanhood, by Rachel Held Evans: Tamar joins a storied troupe of crafty and courageous women who used trickery, sexuality, and manipulation to work the patriarchal system to which…

  • Bible,  Christianity


    One day, something fell from the sky. Xi had never seen anything like this in his life. It looked like water, but it was harder than anything else in the world. He wondered…

  • Bible,  Parenting

    Telling God’s Story

    Telling God’s Story: A Parent’s Guide to Teaching the Bible has been food for the soul. I first saw the book over at the Peace Hill Press site and felt mildly curious. Now…

  • Bible,  Nature Study

    The Birds Our Teachers

    “Many Christians have a good doctrine of redemption, but need a better doctrine of creation,” writes John Stott at the start of The Birds Our Teachers. Because God reveals himself in his works,…

  • Bible,  Christianity


    To say he had a face is to say that like the rest of us he had many faces as the writers of the Old Testament knew who used the Hebrew word almost…