• Novels

    The Senator’s Wife

    I picked up The Senator’s Wife because of Ruth’s review. She said, “All the characters are vividly drawn, and all are deeply flawed. Even though I knew something dreadful was ahead, I couldn’t…

  • Essays

    Great Possessions

    I’ve had Great Possessions: An Amish Farmer’s Journal on my shelf for years. I kept passing it over for more “compelling” fare. Fortunately I didn’t pass it over this time. The book has…

  • Picture Books


    Question: Is it a success or a failure when my five-year-old bursts into tears at the end of a book? I should add that they weren’t tears of disappointment that the story was…

  • Novels

    Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

    I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed a book this much. This novel is an unusual animal: a Victorian novel published in 2004. It has the scope, cast of characters, and wit of Dickens,…

  • Christianity,  Nonfiction

    Mudhouse Sabbath

    Yesterday in Sunday school, my friend Polly extracted some excerpts from the chapter in this book about mourning. A young mother known to many people at church had died earlier in the week…

  • Nonfiction


    Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology has been on my shelf for 12 years. At the Asbury College faculty retreat in the fall of 1997, the Provost gave us all a copy…

  • Chapter Books

    The Wizard of Oz

    My daughters and I finished reading The Wizard of Oz. I read the book years ago, but I’d forgotten a lot of it. I remembered the movie better, which had made such an…