
  • Blogging

    Threads of revelation

    From time to time over the last few months, I’ve thought, “I’m done. My blog should be inactivated. I’ve dried up; there’s nothing more to say.” And yet… With the lack of regular…

  • Blogging


    We were working on our salad when he seemed to change the subject and asked, as we all sometimes do, about the role of moral authority in restraining a person from doing wrong.…

  • Blogging

    On writing

    It’s been pretty quiet around here lately. What a change from my early days of blogging back in 2007. Back then, I wrote about everything. Ideas were always crowding in, asking to be…

  • Blogging

    Intriguing Links

    Here are a couple of articles worth reading. Both have been pointed out by friends. Wendell Berry’s Farm Manifesto Takes Root in Culture — about the long-term impact of Berry’s Unsettling of America.…

  • Blogging

    New blog…

    I’ve decided to take the plunge and create a separate blog for my nature posts. It’s called Discovering Nature, and you can check it out here if you’re interested. It’s an experiment, not…

  • Blogging

    Facebook and blogging

    Over the last year I’ve read of several fellow bloggers who’ve left or put limits on their Facebook involvement. One is Deb; another is Jess; most recently, Pastor Dennis. I find something I…

  • Blogging

    Back up and running (sort of)

    A week ago, I mentioned that I was changing web hosts and strange things might happen to the appearance of this blog. Today marks my safe arrival back after making the transfer. When…