
  • Current Events,  Essays

    Lewis the Social Prophet

    There is a crowd of busybodies. . . whose life is devoted to destroying solitude wherever solitude still exists. They call it “taking the young people out of themselves,” or “waking them up,”…

  • Essays,  Novels

    Book Report

    I’m not sure why, but I’ve struggled to finish books for awhile now. It feels like a small victory to have finished several lately… though this first one is still in process. After…

  • Essays

    Our Only World

    When readers of Wendell Berry see that he has a new book coming out, we tend to read it on reflex. The themes are seldom new; that’s part of the appeal. We read…

  • Essays

    More work…?

    If we have such an effective attentional filter, why can’t we filter out distractions better than we can? Why is information overload such a serious problem now? For one thing, we’re doing more…

  • Bible,  Essays

    The Bible Tells Me… What?

    So here I am, again, writing about The Bible Tells Me So — which I already reviewed here. I’ve continued mulling over the book, bothered by various things. I wanted to return and…

  • Essays,  Nature Study

    Hardy Winter Citizens

    My header images these days contain pictures of the birds that come to our feeders. I thought I’d do a post that matches up the images with their species. There are currently eight…

  • Essays


    Pearls are layers and layers of soothing ‘nacre’ intended to insulate the delicate mollusk from the irritant that has abraded it. At root, a pearl is a ‘disturbance,’ a beauty created by something…