
Seeking Quiet

brer rabbit

This is going to be a week of seeking quiet.

We have been running the humidifier lately, and it creates pretty much a constant hum. You can’t hear the birds, really, and sometimes you even miss the phone ringing.

It’s a good picture of the way routine and effort and thought create their own internal noise — enough to weary the mind, and enough to drown out some of the good sounds of the world outside one’s responsibilities and strivings. It’s time for a slightly extended Sabbath, a time to remember the larger order of grace and provision within which our lives unfold. What week could be better than Easter week?

We’ve put out the egg tree…

egg tree

…and begun our Easter countdown using the familiar objects and Scripture readings we’ve done since my oldest was in kindergarten. I’ve written about it here and here.


And we’ve cleared the decks to the extent that we can. Now it’s just waiting — waiting for the inner engine to slow down and come to rest.

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