
How does your garden grow?

I used to participate in a round-up called the Sunday Garden Stroll over at A Wrung Sponge. The Stroll is no longer going, but today I snapped a few pictures of the garden anyway. We’re quite pleased with how it’s progressed since the initial act of faith.

We should have some ripe cherry tomatoes soon.

The other three plants will produce full-sized tomatoes for BLT’s and tuna melts and other goodies.

We’re already enjoying our garden lettuce (and so are our rodents — rabbit and two hamsters):

We have another row planted to be ready when this row is finished. Soon we’ll have peas to snack on:

…and cucumbers:

…and we planted some pole beans beside the house at the suggestion of my mother in law.

We have some flower seeds planted too — “seeds of hope,” a gift from Mission Aviation Fellowship. Our only failures are kohlrabi (already eaten by some leaf-loving insect or other) and sunflowers (either eaten by the chipmunk clan or dug up by my husband as he broke in his new garden hoe).

Last but not least, my front porch geranium is blooming. It bloomed like a champ all last summer, then survived the winter with yellowed leaves. I’ve been throwing Miracle Gro on it since May and setting it in the sun. I’d almost given up on it, but behold: here it comes.

It was an awfully wet spring, and I worried about blight. But everything seems to be coming along nicely. I’m thankful for small, everyday miracles of growth and beauty.